Owner Sabiki Rigs Fish Catchers 5535 come with Gold hooks green glow bead slides on each branch line; hooks dressed with mackerel skin. Rigs vary in length depending on number of hooks, but generally, 10 inches of main line stretches between 4-inch drop lines. Swivels attach at each end of rig. Each rig has hooks in varying numbers, and sizes, plus varying strengths (lb.-test) of main line and branch lines.
Model No. Hook Size # Hooks Main Line Branch Line Qty Per Pack
5535-967 14 6 12 6 1
5535-987 12 6 12 6 1
5535-017 10 6 15 10 1
5536-057 6 4 20 16 1
5536-077 4 4 30 20 1
5536-097 2 4 30 20 1